Getting Started With Blogs

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Creating a blog is free and typically takes about 10 minutes to launch. How much time you spend updating your blog after that is up to you. Blog hosting sites include the following:

To make your choice, visit each Web site, take a tour, and view current blogs to get an idea of how the program operates and the kind of features it will offer you. Each program offers different layouts and different options. Blogger and WordPress tend to be simpler and easier to navigate, while Movable Type has more customizable features. While each program varies a little, the usual process for setting up a blog is as follows:

  • Create an account.
  • Choose a URL, or Web address. Most are attached to the main site, such as or
  • Choose a template. Almost all blog programs have a series of layout choices for your blog. Blogger allows you to manipulate the HTML code in the template to add personal touches such as a logo. Other services, such as LiveJournal, require you to pay a premium for such features.
  • Begin posting.

For ideas, motivation, or just good reading, check out the blogs mentioned in this article:

Originally Published October 22, 2007

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