Soon. It arrives soon. As of this writing, I don’t yet have my new Animas OneTouch Ping, but last week I got the phone call from my medical equipment supplier to say that everything’s been approved for my new pump — insulin set, insulin cartridge, new test strips for the OneTouch Ping meter-remote, and of course the pump itself.
This is my second new pump, and thankfully most of the pump-acquisition process took place this time without my having to intervene. After a couple of phone calls, the paperwork went off without a hitch and they only called to tell me that the next step was underway and that I could expect x or y on such and such a date.
FedEx already delivered the large box that held three months of new infusion sets and reservoirs. I’ve already tried out the Animas infusion sets (different from the type I use with my Deltec Cozmo, the Cleo 90, though thankfully I’ll be able to use up those sets with the Ping). While I’m more a fan of the Animas packaging, the one thing I don’t like is that with the Ping you actually see the needle go in. I’m not squeamish, and I’m mostly used to the stick and slight pain I have when swapping out sets, but with the Animas set, you have to push the needle into your flesh. That is, if I was doing it correctly, and I think I was. So I think it may take a few times to get used to these new ones.
With the Cleo 90 sets, the needle is housed in the base of the set, spring-loaded, out of sight. In that way, you apply the sticky end of your infusion site, the needle pushes in, leaves the cannula behind, then retracts. Very ingenious, and if the Animas sets turn out to not float my boat, maybe I’ll go to another set that also works with the Ping, or if the Cleo 90 product is still in production, return to that. More phone calls, and it could possibly be more headaches I’m inviting with insurance. My problem is that I always see greener diabetes-supplies grass in other medical equipment — the stuff I don’t have and have never tried.
At any rate, the test strips and the like should arrive today or tomorrow. Boxes of what will soon be “my old strips” are still on the diabetes shelf, but I have standalone glucose meters, which means I have my FreeStyle strips for gym testing for a good six months.
By the end of the day on Friday I’m supposed to have the new pump in my grasp. Then, next Tuesday afternoon, I meet with my certified diabetes educator to go over the use of the Animas OneTouch Ping. I’m not supposed to begin using it without the proper tutorial. Maybe somewhere out there people are allowed to start up the pump and attach it without a one-on-one session with a CDE, but that’s not the case in my world. So all weekend I’ll have to look at that sleek, silver pump sitting on my dining room table but won’t be able to attach it.
If you have a chance, please comment on your experience if you’ve ever transitioned from one pump to another — a different brand, not just a replacement of the same. I’m only mildly hesitant about switching because I worry about an interruption — if there’d be any? — due to the way different pumps deliver the insulin, or any initial tweaks in adjusting to menus, etc. Maybe it’s seamless. Maybe it’s not. I just don’t know.