Early Blood Glucose Control Protects Years Later

Tightly controlling your blood glucose levels soon after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can lead to lower risks of diabetes complications—including heart disease and death—years later, according to new follow-up results from a major clinical trial. This new study was published online this week in The New England Journal of Medicine, and looked at participants in the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) 10 years after that study had ended. Read More “Early Blood Glucose Control Protects Years Later”

Is Online Diabetes Education For You?

Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for years, meeting with a diabetes educator individually or as part of a group is one of the best things you can do to understand how to manage your diabetes (or brush up). Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t get much diabetes education, whether because of lack of insurance coverage, lack of access to a diabetes educator or to group classes, lack of time, or another obstacle. Read More “Is Online Diabetes Education For You?”

It’s About Time

Oh, golly. What’s happening in my life this week? Probably the big news is that my granddaughter began taking driver’s education classes yesterday. (Since I can’t find a font that indicates a strangled-sounding voice, you’ll just have to use your imagination.) Read More “It’s About Time”

One of the Most Effective Diabetes Drugs

You may recall that I recently wrote a series on various medicines and how they can affect your diabetes (see "The Ups and Downs of Meds and Diabetes [Part 1]" as well as Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5). One kind reader, who happens to be a nurse, asked me to devote a post to metformin with regard to its effects on kidneys and special considerations to keep in mind with this drug. Read More “One of the Most Effective Diabetes Drugs”

Things That Bug Us

Some poor, hapless bug meandered onto the front porch the other day—no easy feat, since the porch is totally screened in—and, just its luck, met up with three kittens. It was one of those roundish, hard-shelled bugs and turned out to make a perfect hockey puck. The kittens were having a blast batting it around among themselves, but I daresay the bug was not as thrilled as being turned into a plaything as the kittens were in discovering a new toy. Read More “Things That Bug Us”

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