To read more about massage therapy and for help locating a massage therapist in your area, check out the following resources.
Comfort Touch: Massage for the Elderly and the Ill
Mary Kathleen Rose, CMT
Video DVD, 2004
This video can be ordered for $29 plus $4 shipping and handling by sending a check or money order to Wild Rose, P.O. Box 2455, Longmont, CO 80502. Or order online, and learn more about the Comfort Touch style of massage, by logging on to
American Massage Therapy Association
(877) 905-0577
Can help locate a massage therapist in your area; publishes mtj, a magazine intended mainly for massage professionals.
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
(800) 458-2267
Can help locate a massage therapist in your area; publishes Massage & Bodywork, a magazine intended mainly for massage professionals, and Body Sense, a magazine for consumers.
Touch Research Institute
(305) 243-6781
Based at the University of Miami School of Medicine, in Miami, Florida, the Touch Research Institute was the first center in the world devoted solely to the study of touch and its application in science and medicine. Log on to the website or call the Institute to learn about research on the subject of touch.