Friends for Life 2012: Part 2

I’ve had diabetes longer than any of the kids in my group have been alive. I know that 9 going on 10 years isn’t THAT long, but I can honestly say it made me feel old. Growing up is such a fickle experience. One minute all you want is to get older, and the next you realize time is flying by faster than you can keep up… Read More “Friends for Life 2012: Part 2”

Meeting Louis: FFL 2007

There are moments in our lives that become the most important, and for me one such moment was back in 2007 at the Friends for Life (FFL) conference being held at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. I’ve thought about writing this post for quite some time, but because it’s so personal I really wanted to wait for the right moment to do so… Read More “Meeting Louis: FFL 2007”

Thoughts On a Cure

About a year and a half ago I attended a Children with Diabetes (CWD) conference in Marco Island, Florida, where there was a session held by someone from JDRF regarding the potential for a cure and what a cure might actually look like. I could tell from the start of the session that it wasn’t going to be one I particularly enjoyed… Read More “Thoughts On a Cure”

I Can’t Stop

We all have at least one song that really gets us going. A song that comes on and gets you so pumped, so motivated, to just… GO! For me, that song is “I Can’t Stop” by Flux Pavilion. I use the same mentality when it comes to diabetes. I can’t stop. (Literally…) Read More “I Can’t Stop”

Crisis Averted

This past Thursday I saw an amazing documentary in Philadelphia with my mom, cousin, and two of my friends, called Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World. In all, it was a really fantastic night…aside from my uncooperative blood sugars… Read More “Crisis Averted”

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