Meter Accuracy

Two things landed on my desk recently. One was a newspaper article saying that the Food and Drug Administration has asked the international body that sets standards for home blood glucose meters to tighten its accuracy requirements. The other was a letter from a Diabetes Self-Management subscriber who described how she had attempted to compare two home meters with a plasma glucose measurement done in a laboratory — and how she was unnerved when she got three different readings… Read More “Meter Accuracy”

Metformin and B12

Back in December 2006, Amy Campbell wrote in her blog about the possibility of the popular diabetes drug metformin causing vitamin B12 deficiency. In a follow-up comment, she mentioned that taking calcium supplements might help to remedy this deficiency. The information spurred an outpouring of comments and questions from concerned readers, so those of us on the magazine staff decided to investigate the matter further… Read More “Metformin and B12”

Free Blood Testing

Now that National Diabetes Month is in full swing, a number of businesses and organizations are rolling out programs and events to raise awareness of diabetes and help those who have it manage the condition. While some of these may be thinly veiled marketing efforts, some appear to offer real help or services… Read More “Free Blood Testing”

Education: Another Money-Saver

Paying for diabetes care and supplies has always been tough for some people, and these days, reports abound of people going without doctor visits or needed medicines because they can’t afford them. In the May/June 2009 issue of Diabetes Self-Management magazine, we listed some organizations and programs that may be able to help defray those costs. But diabetes care is more than just drugs and supplies: Knowledge is important, too, and it turns out that learning how to manage diabetes can save you big bucks. Read More “Education: Another Money-Saver”

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