What We’re Reading: The Big Blue Test and World Diabetes Day

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November 14 is World Diabetes Day and to help raise awareness, the Diabetes Hands Foundation (DHF) has created The Big Blue Test. Now in its second year, The Big Blue Test’s name derives from the official color of World Diabetes Day. The concept is to connect people from around the world to promote awareness and health. At 2 PM local time on November 14, those with diabetes are encouraged to check their blood glucose levels, exercise for fourteen minutes, check again, and share their results online at bigbluetest.org.

DHF has also created a promotional video for the event. From now until November 14, for each view of the video below, the Roche Group will donate insulin to one child in need. Their goal is 100,000 views.

If the above video does not work, please click here to watch.

You can find out more about this event from DHF’s Web site or from bigbluetest.org.

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