What We’re Reading: CGMS Denial Week

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Many health insurance companies routinely deny coverage to people who are prescribed a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). This device allows people with diabetes to know their glucose level, and whether it is rising or falling, at one- or five-minute intervals. Although it can be particularly useful for people who experience hypoglycemia unawareness and can detect an insulin pump malfunction, some insurance providers classify a CGMS as unnecessary and “experimental.”

In response, Gina Capone at Diabetes Talkfest decided to name July 2 CGMS Denial Day—and then to extend it to CGMS Denial Week, ending Friday, July 4. The purpose of this observance is to put pressure on insurance companies by making the issue of CGMS coverage denial more public. This effort involves encouraging people to post personal stories about CGMS denial at tudiabetes.com, an online diabetes community. You can read more about CGMS Denial Day/Week here at Diabetes Talkfest.

For a guide to personally obtaining insurance coverage for a CGMS, visit this page from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International.

This blog entry was written by Editorial Assistant Quinn Phillips.

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