Researchers Seek Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes for Questionnaire

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Type 1 diabetes questionnaire

If you have Type 1 diabetes and are between 18 and 30 years old, researchers from the National University of Ireland, Galway, want to hear from you.

The investigators are inviting young adults to share their experiences and views of their diabetes clinic in order to better understand what makes a good clinic.

Participating in the research involves completing an anonymous questionnaire (which takes approximately 20 minutes) that asks questions about “your diabetes, the things you do to take care of your diabetes, how you feel about having diabetes, how satisfied you are about the health service for diabetes care, and how often you go to appointments in the hospital.”

For questions about the study, contact Lisa Hynes at [email protected] or Dr. Molly Byrne at [email protected]. And to learn more or to take the questionnaire, click here.

This blog entry was written by Web Editor Diane Fennell.

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