A Fond Farewell

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As I mentioned in DSM E-News this week, and as Eric wrote in his blog entry, my tenure as Web Editor at DiabetesSelfManagement.com is coming to a close.

I am excited to introduce the new Web Editor, Diane Fennell, who has worked on Diabetes Self-Management magazine for more than five years and who has been working behind the scenes on various aspects of this Web site for some time now. I hope that you will join me in congratulating her and welcoming her to her new position!

I have learned so much in my six years at this company and three years as Web Editor, and have so many people to thank for their guidance and assistance. Just to name a few, I would like to thank DSM Editor Ingrid Strauch and my predecessor in this position Katharine Davis for their mentorship, and fellow editors Diane Fennell, David Golann, and Quinn Phillips for their support and creativity in contributing to various aspects of this Web site.

And, of course, this site would be nothing without its excellent bloggers — I have had the privilege of editing the fine contributions of Amy Campbell, Jan Chait, Eric Lagergren, and David Spero, as well as past bloggers Joe Nelson and Andy Stuckey, over the last three years. You all have given me and our readers so much insight into the world of living with and treating diabetes, and I have no doubt that you will continue to strike many chords with our growing readership in the future.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the readers, whose comments and questions have made DiabetesSelfManagement.com such a dynamic place to discuss the ins and outs of managing diabetes. We have endeavored to create a site that brings you information you need and lets your voices be heard on a wide variety of topics. I have no doubt that you will keep up the good work, too!

I wish you all the best for a happy and healthy future.

Tara Dairman

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